Actress Kajal Aggarwal has recently created mass hysteria in theatres and exceeded the expectations of glamor dose in her first item song 'Pakka Local' that was featured in the biggest hit of this year, 'Janatha Garage'. Now, it seems that Kajal's another attempt to replicate similar magic didn't work.
Kajal's latest Tamil film 'Kavalai Vendam' (Enthavaraku Ee Prema in Telugu) was released in theatres on 24th Novemeber. The romantic entertainer has received largely mixed to negative reviews.
There was an earlier talk in film circles that Kajal had showered glamour in the film in such an audacious manner that even Censor Board members got surprised. Adding strength to these reports were the heavily seducing posters of Kajal and a bikini song of hers in the film.
Despite all these, the film hasn't made much noise at the box office, going by the day one reports. In fact, the film's Telugu version wasn't released as per schedule and now makers reportedly worry feeling even if Kajal couldn't, who else can save their film?
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