There have been strong speculations in film nagar that Ram Charan is acting as the unofficial producer for Dhruva. Right from finalising the film's releasing date to all its promotions, Charan has been taking call on each and every thing. This isn't all. Rumours are also rife that Ram Charan himself is paying from his pocket. All the publicity and promotion costs have been reportedly taken care by none other than Charan.
And of course, Upasana Kamineni is the brain behind Charan and she is the one who is getting involved in all the P&A activities. Despite her busy schedule, she has kept all her important works (related to hospital administration, B Positive Magazine, Apollo Life Studio) aside, and making sure that Dhruva is aggressively promoted.
Recently, Upasana has camped in Mumbai to sort out few things and held several crucial meetings including with a PR agency to chalk out the plan. Many say that she is leaving no leaf unturned to make the film a big success and doing her best to see Charan enjoy the success.
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